What To Expect Throughout A High Risk Pregnancy
April 5, 2021 3:45 pmBeing told you have a high risk pregnancy can cause anxiety, but it’s not as frightening as you may first think.
Being told you have a high risk pregnancy can cause anxiety, but it’s not as frightening as you may first think.
An annual well woman exam is important at any stage of womanhood. Women who are twenty-somethings and women who are post menopausal plus everyone in between can benefit from a well woman exam.
Hormones are important, as they regulate many body functions and processes, including appetite and metabolism, sleep cycles, reproductive cycles and sexual function,
Fifty to sixty percent of women will suffer with a urinary tract infection during their life, and some women will even get recurring infections.
Your dream of having a family if finally coming true. You are a smart and healthy woman, and know clearly what you should avoid during pregnancy like smoking,
Heavy bleeding during your period is sometimes known medically as menorrhagia. Although every woman is different and menstrual cycles can vary,
Before you get that telltale “glow,” you have to conceive. Before you conceive, you have some planning to do, and one of those planning steps is to schedule a preconception appointment with Mid-City OB-GYN.
The heat is upon us and managing your hot flashes in the summer is no easy task. Unfortunately, wishing it was December won’t help for most,
When you have symptoms from fibroids, the pain and disruption they cause can take over your life. These benign tumors in the uterus affect women in their thirties,
If you are approaching 40 years old, it is time to have your first mammogram screening. Some women become anxious and worry about all sorts of unknowns.