Mid-City OB-GYN Obstetrical Charges

Probably one of the largest concerns of new obstetrical patients is the cost that is ahead of you.  The following information has been prepared to help answer some of the questions you may have regarding your current health care costs.

After your initial visit, each appointment with your physician will be included in your delivery fee.  The delivery fee includes each individual office visit, monthly to weekly, your actual delivery, and your 6-week post delivery check.  Additional charges that will be incurred during your pregnancy include lab charges, ultrasounds, non stress tests, and injections.  These additional charges are not included in the global delivery fee, they will be billed out at the time of service.

Unless unusual circumstances should occur, you will be seen once a month for the first seven months of your pregnancy.  During the 8th month you will be seen every two weeks and then once a week in the 9th month until delivery, unless your doctor states differently.

We would like you to set up a pre-payment plan to cover your total OB care, insurance deductible, or co-insurance.  Our business office will be glad to assist you in any way that may be beneficial to you.  We do file your insurance for you; however, this does not release you from responsibility of payment for services rendered.

Most insurances require pre-certification for any type of hospitalization prior to your admission.  In most cases, your insurance card will list a phone number to call for pre-certification.  It is your responsibility to notify your insurance company of your pregnancy.  Questions generally asked by your insurance company are:  your estimated delivery date, hospital you will be delivering at, your physicians name, and if you are planning a vaginal or cesarean delivery.  Mid-City will also contact your insurance for pre-certification.

Our physicians deliver at CHI Health Bergan Mercy Hospital and Methodist Women’s Hospital.  Patients who belong to contracted health care plans or who work for a specific health system must deliver at a specific hospital.  It is the responsibility of the patient to check with your insurance company or your human resources department to verify that the hospital you have chosen is in your network.  It is also the responsibility of the patient to check with your insurance company for coverage information pertaining to the baby.

Our business office will assist you in any way we can. We are here to serve you, our patients. If at any time you have questions or concerns regarding your insurance or delivery charges please contact our billing office at 402-397-9543.

Delivery Charges Are as Follows:

Vaginal Delivery with total OB Care


Cesarean Delivery with total OB Care


Assistant Surgeon for Cesarean


VBAC with total OB Care


C-Section following attempted VBAC with total OB Care





Additional Laboratory and Ultrasound Fees Are as Follows:

Cystic Fibrosis Screening


Group B Strep Screening


Glucose Tolerance Test


HIV Screening


OB Profile


Varicella Screening


Quad Screen




Chlamydia/GC Screening




Ultrascreen Labs


Complete OB Ultrasound


Ultrascreen Ultrasound


Biophysical Profile


Non Stress Test


Various other Ultrasounds



The lab tests listed above are approximate based upon whether the labs are billed to your insurance by our office or if they are billed to your insurance by our laboratory.

Congratulations from all of us at Mid-City OB-GYN!